Owen Bornhorst

Schutt Photography Internship

Owen K. Bornhorst, 22, graduated in December 2023 from the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami. Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, Owen had always been fascinated by the natural world, spending much of his childhood exploring the habitats along the coasts of Lake Erie. When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, his response inevitably included National Geographic photographer or marine biologist.

While pursuing degrees in marine science and biology at the University of Miami, he got involved with the Coral Reef Futures Laboratory. In this position, Owen assisted with research on coral bleaching, disease, and restoration, and received the 2023 Lou and Chosun Mastriani Award for his work with corals. Owen culminated this position with his honors thesis on the influence of origin and algal symbiont genus on bleaching severity of staghorn coral. In addition to his laboratory work, Owen was involved with the ocean advocacy group Reel Ocean where he worked as a photographer and videographer, producing content to educate and inspire others about environmental issues in South Florida. During his time with Reel Ocean, he also produced his first environmental short film, “The Giving Trees'', which showcases the beauty and importance of Miami’s mangrove forests. Being selected as the 2024 Paul L. Schutt Underwater Photography Intern has been an incredible honor for Owen. He believes this will be an invaluable opportunity to not only learn more about underwater photography but also prepare him to use photography for the protection and preservation of our oceans.

University of Miami
Intern Date: 
Location of Internship: 
Schutt Photography Internship