Chase Brunton
Chase Brunton is 25 years old, and lives in Old Town, Maine. Chase graduated from the University of Maine, graduating with a degree in English in 2016. In addition to studying English, he acted on his childhood interest in the ocean, taking several marine science courses such as marine ecology, marine policy, and algal biology, and earned his basic Open Water SCUBA while at the University of Maine. Chase was an active member of his school’s SCUBA club, and worked a year as a writer for Maine Sea Grant, a branch of the NOAA-funded program that funds marine research, education and outreach.
Chase’s goal is to be a science communicator focusing on marine issues to increase awareness and foster interest in the ocean among people from all walks of life. His work so far has focused on sharing the results of scientific research with a lay audience. He has written about sustainable seafood, fisheries management, climate change, and marine ecology, to name a few topics. His specific interests include aquaculture and sustainable seafood, the effects of climate change on world oceans and the communities that rely on them, and the biology and ecology of planktonic organisms like algae and phytoplankton.
He is excited to work with the team at Bonnier Dive Group and to learn the different aspects of publishing a major magazine while sharing his interest in the oceans and SCUBA with the world. Having never been diving in Florida before, Chase is looking forward to giving the clear, warm waters a try.